As we head for the polls, it is worth reflecting that a desire to drop our European identities, likely comes with the shedding of our proud British heritage. Leaving Europe will almost certainly isolate us from Scotland and Wales who will probably prefer to be with Europe, not us. And the"little" England, which would emerge, would not be a fair and gentle land. England remains mired in its class system, more than any other democratic nation in the world. And although the working class remain key supporters of the leave vote, they are being led to make a decision, which would in the long run worsen their lot, by a combination of wealthy media oligarchs and wealthy public school educated politicians for their political agendas. I doubt that Boris, Iain and Nigel want to exit because they genuinely believe it is best for the country. Lets call a spade, a spade. Boris wants to be PM, Nigel wants a return to relevance of a fascist party and Mr Duncan-Smith might simply take umbrage at the lack of structure the class system, which the broader diversity and greater meritocracy inherent in the UK population, is causing. No doubt some of them and their friends would like a diminution of the aspiring classes.
Furthermore, despite the claims of some of the leave campaigners, the apparently stricter control of our borders from Europe will not reduce the terrorist threat. If anything the likely Orwellian society that will emerge from the reduction of our borders, will make us bigger targets. Lets not forget white supremacists still care deeply about their annual holidays in Turkey and Egypt. Terrorists will target anyone, but they will target those people who collectively spite them the most. And terrorism ("violence to achieve political ends") as we have seen recently with the sad loss of Jo Cox is not monopolised by Muslims. Wasn't it a Muslim who tried to stop the violence against Ms Cox? Europe is a large, progressive, rich and tolerant continent where violence continues to be rare. If we are to continue protecting ourselves from the threats and ideologies of extremist groups that emerge from time to time, as they will, our best hope is to do it with the collective assistance of larger groups of like minded people, such as our rich neighbours on the continent, with whom we share a common history.
The reduction of our once proud nation to its constituent little lands will not be economically progressive either. Many free trade agreements will have to be rewritten. Anyone familiar with basic trade theory will understand that this will make us poorer.
Houses will not magically become more affordable. Without European caps, large bank bonuses will re-emerge and they will refuel the rise in house prices.
Workers rights will be decimated, and this is particularly relevant to the working class, without the oversight of EU regulations.
If we turn our back on the Europe, it is very probable the people of Europe will turn their backs on us. But the extremists will redouble their efforts.
Humanity will always need a central power to organise itself along society's desired common goals. Most animal kingdoms are feudal systems. An all conquering King or Queen protects his or her territory and subjects in return for their loyalty, labour, military support and, in some kingdoms, sexual favours. Feudalism is inherent in nature and this was how we were, until relatively recently, organised. Democracy and laws of course represent some evolutionary progress but these laws are usually applied within strict boundaries which have mostly emerged from feudal systems, and accident.
As we head for the polls, it is worth reflecting that a desire to drop our European identities, likely comes with the shedding of our proud British heritage. Leaving Europe will almost certainly isolate us from Scotland and Wales who will probably prefer to be with Europe, not us. And the"little" England, which would emerge, would not be a fair and gentle land. England remains mired in its class system, more than any other democratic nation in the world. And although the working class remain key supporters of the leave vote, they are being led to make a decision, which would in the long run worsen their lot, by a combination of wealthy media oligarchs and wealthy public school educated politicians for their political agendas. I doubt that Boris, Iain and Nigel want to exit because they genuinely believe it is best for the country. Lets call a spade, a spade. Boris wants to be PM, Nigel wants a return to relevance of a fascist party and Mr Duncan-Smith might simply take umbrage at the lack of structure the class system, which the broader diversity and greater meritocracy inherent in the UK population, is causing. No doubt some of them and their friends would like a diminution of the aspiring classes.
Furthermore, despite the claims of some of the leave campaigners, the apparently stricter control of our borders from Europe will not reduce the terrorist threat. If anything the likely Orwellian society that will emerge from the reduction of our borders, will make us bigger targets. Lets not forget white supremacists still care deeply about their annual holidays in Turkey and Egypt. Terrorists will target anyone, but they will target those people who collectively spite them the most. And terrorism ("violence to achieve political ends") as we have seen recently with the sad loss of Jo Cox is not monopolised by Muslims. Wasn't it a Muslim who tried to stop the violence against Ms Cox? Europe is a large, progressive, rich and tolerant continent where violence continues to be rare. If we are to continue protecting ourselves from the threats and ideologies of extremist groups that emerge from time to time, as they will, our best hope is to do it with the collective assistance of larger groups of like minded people, such as our rich neighbours on the continent, with whom we share a common history.
The reduction of our once proud nation to its constituent little lands will not be economically progressive either. Many free trade agreements will have to be rewritten. Anyone familiar with basic trade theory will understand that this will make us poorer.
Houses will not magically become more affordable. Without European caps, large bank bonuses will re-emerge and they will refuel the rise in house prices.
Workers rights will be decimated, and this is particularly relevant to the working class, without the oversight of EU regulations.
If we turn our back on the Europe, it is very probable the people of Europe will turn their backs on us. But the extremists will redouble their efforts.
Humanity will always need a central power to organise itself along society's desired common goals. Most animal kingdoms are feudal systems. An all conquering King or Queen protects his or her territory and subjects in return for their loyalty, labour, military support and, in some kingdoms, sexual favours. Feudalism is inherent in nature and this was how we were, until relatively recently, organised. Democracy and laws of course represent some evolutionary progress but these laws are usually applied within strict boundaries which have mostly emerged from feudal systems, and accident.
A bigger progression for humanity would come from goals which look to extend such boundaries. A grander project to unite societies and states, such as that of the United States, are therefore laudable in that they demonstrate greater human
In that sense UKIP and the far Conservative right are equivalent
to feudal apes that never evolved. They deserve to be sent to some sort of
natural history museum and preserved, for the rest of us to gaze with continual wonderment and to remind us how man has come a long way. The House of Lords might be a good location for such a museum.
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